ECO21: The Bitcoin Standard

Even though this course has been completed, students purchasing it can attend live weekly discussion seminars with Dr. Ammous, open only to students on, to discuss the material of the courses, as well as any relevant issues and questions.

In this course, Dr. Ammous teaches the material of his book The Bitcoin Standard, along with the most important background reading that influenced the book, particularly from Austrian school economics.

A 1-hour lecture is delivered online once a week, for 10 weeks. The full course syllabus can be downloaded here.

Course Content

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Primitive Money
Monetary Metals
Government Money
Money and Time Preference
Capitalism's Information System
Sound Money & Individual Freedom
Digital Money
What Is Bitcoin Good For?
Bitcoin Questions
+620 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 10 Lessons
  • 28 Topics
  • 1 Quiz